2️Planning for exceptions

For each element of a website, you must know whether the information comes from a required field or not. Something like the owners name does not need an exception planned for it since it's impossible to have a Uniweb profile without a name. But like I mentioned with the physical location, its actually not required.

You can use Uniweb Launchpad to change a regular field into a required field. See Launchpad for more information

However, having too many required fields can be burdensome on researchers so we can also simply plan for exceptions. Just like how we have a tag to determine the primary source, there is also an alternate source tag:

Going back to the address example, these could be your paths

Member Profile > Research Places > Address

Member Profile > Office Hours > Building

In plain english, this means that first, the website will use the research places address but if there is none listed it will use the building address in the office hours section.

Having one alternate path is sufficient, besides, Uniweb focuses on reusing content, so there won't be that many alternatives. But what if both sections are empty?

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